Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Berserk in Berserkeley

Now that all the hubbub over my ambulatory status has subsided, it is time to recap my recent trip to Berkeley. I stayed in a fancy hotel that had an awesome toilet bowl I tried to dive into and a restaurant where I could work on my pouty face for the over-serious business men.

I got some new books, including this one. Dad thought it was a fitting choice - little does he know that my chattering has only just begun... I love reading while strolling around town so dad can stuff his face with food.

I got to see my friends Jennie and Sean. Here I am trying to impress Sean at a pizza place.

Now I'm back in Boulder and I've been busy helping mom with the weeding. Hello? Child labor laws?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great time. Dad tells me you say a lot of words now. I can't wait to hear them.
