Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Berserk in Berserkeley

Now that all the hubbub over my ambulatory status has subsided, it is time to recap my recent trip to Berkeley. I stayed in a fancy hotel that had an awesome toilet bowl I tried to dive into and a restaurant where I could work on my pouty face for the over-serious business men.

I got some new books, including this one. Dad thought it was a fitting choice - little does he know that my chattering has only just begun... I love reading while strolling around town so dad can stuff his face with food.

I got to see my friends Jennie and Sean. Here I am trying to impress Sean at a pizza place.

Now I'm back in Boulder and I've been busy helping mom with the weeding. Hello? Child labor laws?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Taking the first steps

Ladies and gentleman - I took my first steps today! That's right - I am now officially a toddler.

OK - it won't win any Oscars for cinematography, but mom was trying to film stealthily so as not to distract me. Make sure your volume is set down - mom got pretty excited. If dad wasn't so computer illiterate, he would put in a soundtrack (maybe "We are the Champions"?) to make it a true cinematic experience.

After all that hard work, I had to feed myself some spaghetti (carbo-loading!).

Then I had to go stand by the door, waiting for dad so I could show him my new skillz.