Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm hideous

The soft focus was essential here - I'm afraid to be seen in my current state. I have a blocked tear duct that gives me a rheumy eye, my hair is emerging in uneven patches on my head (like dandelions on a lawn), I've got a skin rash on my face, and I'm in a pissy mood because I haven't crapped in 2 days. Mom and dad still think I'm cute, but what do they know.
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  1. Hilar! Luna my child, someday we'll have a talk about Metamucil...

  2. Laughin' our arses off over here...

  3. Neva went 10 days without crapping. Those were the days.

  4. You are still adorable Luna! I didn't have hair until I was 3.

  5. HA HA HA.... we take Julian around the house bouncing him asking "where is the poopie where is the poopie, is the poopie in here, is the poopie in here?". He is still in a pissy mood but at least he stops crying outright for a while.
