Saturday, April 30, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Last week I celebrated my first birthday. It was awesome. All sorts of friends and family were there. Here is Ada trying to teach Carter and me how to walk. Evidently walking makes it easier to steal toys.
It's not a b-day party if there isn't some pong! I love ping pong because it gives me numerous opportunities to say my favorite word, "BALL". BALLBALLBALLBALLBALLBALLBALL! When your vocabulary consists of 5 words (mom, dad, dog, ball, alligator), you have to use them as often as possible.

Here I am playing with Neva in the new sandbox that I got from G-ma and G-pa. I'm slowly learning that sand is not good to eat.

Showtime! My first birthday cake! This is great- you get to set things on fire and then eat lots of sugar. Mom made some awesome cupcakes and dad 'accidentally' bought re-light candles.
Score = mom 1, dad 0.

Actually, the frosting was the best part. All that chocolate kept me up late into the night.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Babies Gone Wild! - Spring Break 2011

Over 'spring' break, we returned to the depths of winter and spent a few days in the San Juan Mts. in southern Colorado. I got to hang out with my best friend Carter, dad got to go skiing (surprise, surprise), and mom recovered from a nasty cold (not easy when staying at over 10,000 feet).

Dad = sled dog. Mush, mush White Fang.

A sled is a great place for a nap -especially after crying all night and waking up everyone else in the hut.

Two peas in a pod...

After all that fun in the sun, I needed to relax with a frosty beverage (for those grandparents and concerned citizens in the audience - I should mention that the beer was empty - more or less).