Friday, July 30, 2010

Fists of Fury

It is hot here in Colorado. I'm not a big fan of the heat, I get all sweaty and then the sweat mixes with barfed up milk, effectively gluing me to the sofa. Not pleasant.
My dad is going away with this weekend to a meeting in California. Hopefully it will cool down so I won't drive mom nuts over the weekend. I can't wait to experience this thing they call 'humidity' when we go to Ohio next week...
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Friday, July 23, 2010

Two peas in a pod

Here is a picture of my mom when she was just a baby. Evidently this was found in something called a photo album, whatever that is...

In case you couldn't tell, I'm in the 2 pictures on the right. The resemblance is pretty striking. Mom was, and still is, very cute.
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy camper

I went for my first camping trip to Rocky Mountain Natl. Park this past weekend. It was pretty sweet - I was in a great mood the whole time, even with mosquitoes buzzing in my face. I definitely like chillin' outside. Here is the 'home away from home'. Someone tell my dad that it would be a good idea to wash his stinky sleeping bag once a decade.

We did lots of hiking - it was awesome. When I get older, I'm going to miss getting carried around everywhere.

Now I'm back at home and I'm pissed. This place is boring.
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Monday, July 12, 2010

lab rat

Today I got to spend some time in the lab. It was awesome (OK - it really wasn't that awesome, but it was air conditioned). Although today I just slobbered on the lab bench, pretty soon I'll be wielding these pipettes like Wyatt Earp at the O.K. Corral. Take ten paces, turn around, and aliquot 10 microliters of DNA faster than you can blink.
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Monday, July 5, 2010

My first hike!

While I was vacationing (before I had to go back to work bossing my parents around), I went for some hikes in the mountains. Believe it or not, I was sound asleep inside the papoose. Dad says that this is the closest he'll get to feeling pregnant.

Is this a cool sunhat or what? Later in the day, it fell in front of my face and I barfed on it.

Ummm, sketchy. You should have seen mom's face during this maneuver.
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Sunday, July 4, 2010


We are vacationing near Fraser, CO and I get to hang out with my cousins and grandparents. Sweet! They are good at keeping me entertained. Grandma made fun of my 'thunder thighs' and grandpa gave me vertigo by hanging me upside down, but otherwise I'm unscathed.
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